
Global Ambitions for Armed Drones

April 26, 2021

PAX Policy Brief

Download 122.64 kb

The Kosovo Specialist Court and Transitional Justice

April 21, 2021

Public perceptions on the KSC and the need for a comprehensive TJ approach

Download 569.38 kb

The Religious Factor in Conflict

April 6, 2021

Research on the Peacebuilding Potential of Religious Communities in Ukraine

Download 960.14 kb

NGO Open Letter to the Holy See

March 4, 2021

Open Letter to the Holy See on the Visit of Pope Francis to Iraq

Download 424.66 kb

Policy Brief: Actions for Nature, People and Peace

February 22, 2021

Joint letter from civil society organisation the UN Environment Assembly

Download 162.78 kb

PAX’ letter to Glencore

February 18, 2021

PAX demands Glencore to take responsibility towards victims

Download 200.86 kb

DR Congos current political crisis

February 4, 2021

Urging the EU and its Member States to start making all the necessary provisions to ensure free, fair, and transparent elections in 2023

Download 400.27 kb

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

February 4, 2021

Winter Needs, Lack of Access to COVID-19 Assistance and Pressure to Return

Download 334.12 kb

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