What we do

PAX is the largest peace organization in the Netherlands. We work to protect civilians against acts of war, to end armed violence and to build inclusive peace. We work in conflict areas worldwide, together with local partners and people who, just like us, believe that everyone has a right to a dignified life in a peaceful society.  

Working for peace

In many countries people are trapped by war, violence hinders daily life and population groups exclude each other because of unsolved conflicts. That is why three goals are central to the work of PAX: 

  • the protection of civilians against acts of war,
  • ending armed conflict, and,
  • contributing to a peaceful and inclusive society.

Protection of civilians against acts of war

PAX protects civilians against acts of war by giving these people an active role. They provide valuable information about the violence they experience, what the existing threats are and what is necessary to establish peace. PAX amplifies the voice of civilians towards governments, armed groups, (inter-)national organizations and peace missions. 

Ending acts of war

PAX does research into arms trade in countries that violate human rights and approaches those who finance it by appealing to their social responsibility. We work towards the ban of controversial weapons such as cluster munitions, killer robots and nuclear weapons. Besides this, PAX fights against armed conflict on all levels: local, national and international. Human dignity must be the principle of (foreign) policy. 

Contributing to peaceful and inclusive societies

In conflict areas, we see civilians building bridges between conflicting groups, creating mutual understanding and improving disturbed relationships. We support these local peace initiatives. This is accompanied by fostering dialogue between different population groups. A peaceful society can only be maintained if everyone has a voice and a say in decision-making, ruling out exclusion and polarization. We are also working towards a solidary society in the Netherlands, together with dedicated civilians throughout the whole country. PAX works with experts, activists and bridge builders. All with the same goal: a dignified life for all in an inclusive society. 

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