PAX/ECOS publications

Publications PAX/ECOS, April 2014 Scrutiny of South Sudan’s Oil Industry Three studies into Community Relations, Labour Practices and Impact on Land Use...


PAX/ECOS, April 2014 
Scrutiny of South Sudan’s Oil Industry 
Three studies into Community Relations, Labour Practices and Impact on Land Use Patterns of South Sudan’s oil sector.

ECOS, 2011 
International arbitration for victims of Sudanese oil contracts 
As part of its justice-and-peace agenda, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) established an entitlement to compensation for people whose rights have been violated during the oil wars. As domestic legal process would be unrealistic, ECOS advocates for international arbitration.

ECOS, December 2010 
Post-Referendum Arrangements for Sudan’s Oil Industry 
How to separate Siamese twins 
In this report, ECOS draws attention to fundamental factors in the negotiations about oil undertaken after the referendum on the separation of South Sudan. ECOS offers recommendations on how oil could contribute to peace and sustainable development.

ECOS, December 2010 
Sudan’s oil industry on the eve of the referendum 
In this report, ECOS urges having the populations of North and South Sudan both benefit fairly from oil revenues. Once South Sudan secedes from North Sudan, the countries will need proper agreements on the distribution of oil revenues. This report offers an overview of the facts, and analyses the most important challenges for the period preceding South Sudan’s independence.

ECOS, June 2010 
Unpaid Debt 
The Legacy of Lundin, Petronas and OMV in Block 5A, Sudan 1997 
A comprehensive overview of the role of the Lundin Consortium in the oil war. ECOS calls upon the Swedish, Austrian and Malaysian governments to investigate whether, as a matter of international law, Lundin, OMV and Petronas ‘were complicit in the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity by others during the period 1997-2003. ‘In response, the Swedish Public Prosecutor for International crimes opened a criminal investigation into Ôlinks between Sweden and the reported crimes’. The investigation is likely to be focusing on senior managers and members of the Board of Directors of Lundin Petroleum. 
Arabic translation of Unpaid Debt, 2011

Erik Prins, report prepared for the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan, August 2009 
Satellite Mapping of Land Cover and Use in relation to Oilexploitation in Concession Block 5A in Southern Sudan 1987-2006 
Satellite image analysis of changes in land use patters during the oil war, showing decreases in agricultural activity of up to 80% by 2003.

ECOS, April 2008 
Sudan, Who’s Oil? Facts and Analysis   
Concise factual information about Sudan’s oil industry.

ECOS, May 2006 
Oil development in northern Upper Nile Sudan 
This report describes the consequences of oil extraction in Sudan’s Melut Basin, as told by the inhabitants of the area and illustrated with satellite photos. It focuses on the Melut and Maban Counties in Renk District.

ECOS, June 2003 
Sudan’s Road to Peace: the European dimension 
Report of the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan conference on June 24, 2003 in Brussels about Europe’s role in Sudan’s peace process. 

Diane deGuzman, edited by Egbert G.Ch. Wesselink, for the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan, May 2002 
Depopulating Sudan’s oil regions 
Two fact finding teams take stock of the impact of the oil war on rural communities.