Early Warning / Early Action Pilot

In 2019 and beginning of 2020, PAX carried out the Pilot Project Early Warning / Early Action (EW/EA). The project was a cooperation between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), 1GNC and the Common Effort Community, with PAX acting as the project coordinator.

The overall objective of the Pilot was to test a new method that will enable the Dutch MFA and its Strategic Partners to quickly and effectively develop integrated and context specific threat analyses, to identify opportunities for early action-initiatives, and to streamline early action-related decision-making processes. To that end, the Pilot collects a diverse group of experts on EW/EA- and conflict prevention-related matters, including researchers and humanitarian, military and political actors. The project’s methodology combines comprehensive human security risk assessments with local insights and recent data innovations (for instance, remote sensing, Open Source Intelligence, media analysis) in order to identify and act upon conflict-related risks in a timely fashion.

More about the Early Warning / Early Action at protectionofcivilians.org.

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