UNEP Perspectives – Nature in Action for Peace

PAX critically looks at how Nature-based Solutions and broader nature-positive approaches can minimize and mitigate the harmful impacts of war on the environment.

In Issue 48 of the UN Environment Programme’s Perspectives series, PAX critically looks at how using Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and broader nature-positive approaches can minimize and mitigate the harmful impacts of war on the environment, and how it can be an instrument for conflict prevention. Though the NbS framework has been advocated by many, others have pointed to important flaws associated with it, such as the risk of avoiding carbon emission reductions through carbon offsetting, land grabbing and insufficient consent from local communities, greenwashing, human rights abuses, militarised conservation, and insufficient focus on justice. 

PAX emphasizes the significance of extending NbS to the vulnerable contexts, provided that stringent standards and guidelines for NbS are applied. The efforts and funds related to the international momentum around NbS should not turn out too risk-averse, but instead be invested properly in those communities who need it the most. Next to listing existing guidance on NbS in conflict contexts, this paper outlines key lessons to successfully implement NbS in conflict-affected areas towards co-benefits for nature and peace. The key lessons are grounded within four environmental peacebuilding projects that PAX and its partners were involved in.

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