Too little attention is paid to the wars in former Yugoslavia and the genocide in Srebrenica in Dutch history education. This has emerged from research by Dr. Marc van Berkel on behalf of peace organization PAX.
The key conclusion in the study is that information given about the historical context of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina is very limited, and the genocide of Srebrenica is often only presented through the perspective of Dutchbat soldiers. The Bosniak perspective is largely ignored.
In the report some recommendations have been presented as well. For instance, more attention needs to be paid to the genocide and the victims’ stories in the educational material, while also giving more clarity to the role of the Dutch government and military personnel in the violence of war.
Download an extensive English summary of the report Safe Area? Srebrenica in Dutch educational materials
Download an extensive Bosnian summary of the report Sigurna zona? Srebrenica u holandskim nastavnim materijalima