
Don’t be evil?

November 29, 2020

A survey of the tech sector’s stance on lethal autonomous weapons

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Humanitarian Disarmament

November 29, 2020


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Changing gender dynamics through armed conflict in Ukraine

November 29, 2020

Summary of field research findings

Download 283.32 kb

Beyond the Bomb

November 29, 2020

Global exclusion of nuclear weapon producers

Download 4.51 MB

Controversial Arms Trade and investments of Dutch banks

November 29, 2020

A case study for the Fair Bank Guide (Eerlijke Bankwijzer)

Download 1.51 MB

Slippery Slope

November 29, 2020

The arms industry and increasingly autonomous weapons

Download 898.73 kb


November 29, 2020

European positions on lethal autonomous weapon systems Update 2019

Download 889.18 kb

Insecurity without Borders

November 29, 2020

Resolving Security challenges in northeastern DR Congo through local and regional approaches

Download 511.87 kb

Military Drones and the EU

November 29, 2020

The role of unmanned systems in the European Union’s defence developments

Download 1.02 MB

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