
A River of Death

November 29, 2020

How oil pollution is impacting health and livelihoods in conflict-affected north east Syria

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Syrian victims and survivors demand truth and justice at Brussels IV

November 29, 2020

Summary of side event proceedings and demands put forward by victim representatives

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A River of Death — Arabic version

November 29, 2020

How oil pollution is impacting health and livelihoods in conflict-affected north east Syria

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Corporate NGO Statement on Policing and Respect for Human Rights

November 29, 2020

Oil and mining majors and NGOs call for policing reforms to tackle racialised human rights violations

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Democratizing Transitional Justice in Kosovo

November 29, 2020

Towards a Deliberative Infrastructure for Dealing with the Past in Kosovo

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Double impact of economic and COVID-19 crisis in Lebanon

November 29, 2020

Catastrophic consequences

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Environment and Conflict Alert

November 29, 2020

Burned area analysis in northeast Syria

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Your right to the freedom of belief

November 29, 2020

A manual for believers, faith-based communities and authorities (publication in Ukrainian)

Download 1.44 MB

PAX Briefing Note

November 29, 2020

Humanitarian Effects of Environmental Degradation and Peace and Security

Download 175.60 kb

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