PAX has been working to achieve peace for more than 70 years. We do our work in a recalcitrant reality. It’s a reality that is increasingly characterized by decreasing international cooperation, a sense of growing threat, and systematic violation of standards in the field of the law of war and human rights.
But our perspective on the world enables us to see something else too. We see a widespread desire for peace. We see activists backing away from the logic of violence. We see concrete opportunities to strengthen peace. Peace is possible and can break out anywhere.
The building of peaceful societies takes place under a tough political order in which state and nonstate actors either cooperate or compete with one another, depending on their interests. The desires of and opportunities for civilians and their communities often play a subordinate role in this.
But civilians everywhere, frequently with women and young people at the forefront, are working single-mindedly on building peaceful and inclusive societies. PAX wants to strengthen the voices of these peace activists and increase their power within political arenas. Empowering People – Building Peace! We see that as our core mission in the coming years.