General Director Anna Timmerman to leave PAX

May 20, 2022

PAX director Anna Timmerman will be leaving the organisation on 1 September 2022. Timmerman has been the General Director of PAX since 2020.

It was a difficult decision to take,” says Ms Timmerman, “because I would have loved to have continued working on the PAX mission with all my colleagues. But this work requires total commitment and I’m unable to give that in the coming period as my personal circumstances don’t allow it. I feel very sad about the fact that I’ve had to draw this conclusion.”  

An enjoyable and challenging period  
“I can look back at an enjoyable but also challenging period at PAX. The coronavirus pandemic broke out a couple of months after I started. That was difficult because our work is based on face-to-face encounters with people. Fortunately, I was able to see and speak to many of our partners, which I found incredibly inspiring. I will always remember the meetings with partners in Iraq and South Sudan as particular highlights, and I regard the signing of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as a milestone. I believe I will be leaving an organisation that is well on the way to implementing our five-year plan and that can draw on some fine new partnerships. The war in Ukraine shows that the work of PAX is more relevant than ever in today’s world.”  

Respect and admiration  
Eduard Nazarski, Chair of the Supervisory Board, is sorry that Anna Timmerman will be leaving. “But I respect her reasoning and I understand her decision. We’ve had a very constructive and pleasant working relationship during an intensive period. I admire Anna’s perseverance in tumultuous times and when dealing with tricky topics. I hope that the Supervisory Board, together with the PAX workforce, will soon be able to take steps to have a full permanent complement at the senior executive level.”  

Anna Timmerman will continue to work as the PAX General Director until 1 September 2022.  

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