Since the ‘Revolution of Dignity’ (known as ‘Maydan’) sprang up at the end of 2014, Ukraine has found itself in crisis. Internal forces such as separatist and patriotic movements, as well as external forces , namely the Russian occupation, are obstructing attempts to solve the conflict. Potential youth leaders are part of the solution in which peace and mutual respect for diversity go hand in hand. Unlike many representatives of the elder generations, young people often feel their efforts can make a difference in creating the future they envision. Hence, the aim of this project was to bolster the potential of youth leaders / young activists and generate respect for diversity through exchange and training. We tried to do this through a annual organised tour between 2015 and 2018.
The first challenge was to attract a diverse group of people. Thanks to our persistence, we managed to bring together a diverse group. Another challenge was then to sufficiently inspire the youth during the trip so they would take what they learned and use it to bring about change in their own environment after the Youth Peace Tour was over. The follow-up of the project is aimed to help achieve this second aim.
Cinta Depondt, Programme Manager Eastern Europe & Eurasia,