For a mission to succeed in its efforts to protect civilians and mitigate civilian harm, military personnel must be adequately trained and equipped with the right capabilities to act in accordance with Protection of Civilians (PoC) policy, guidelines and doctrine while at the same time be cognisant of civilian perspectives. This requirement is the focus of the Protection in Practice Project.
The project will prioritize – but not limit itself to – working with international military actors and institutions present in the two HSS project countries and link with the work on the UN and NATO done in the Engaging International Actors project.
Collaborating with partner organizations and independent researchers, this project will:
- Build capacity for PAX and partners to contribute to (the development of) PoC training and exercises modules for military personnel.
- Advise peacekeeping missions and institutions on PoC data collection, analysis and data-driven decision making, and disseminate best practices and lessons learned.
- Contribute to guidelines, methods and tools used to collect, analyse and disseminate data on civilian casualties and other forms of civilian harm, contributing to transparency and accountability of military missions.
- Develop capacity for independent in-mission research on and assessments of effectiveness of PoC military guidelines, methods and doctrine.
Wilbert van der Zeijden, Project Lead Protection in Practice,