After establishing trust and credibility in their communities through organising inclusive events such as dance workshops, music festivals, theatre shows and so on, Tiro and PAX wanted to develop more focussed programming. In order to do this, a gender pilot project was created that addresses gender issues that the communities and youth are challenged with. Tiro Association have written, filmed, and are currently editing a short film that challenges traditional gender roles in Sour (Tyre).
The film is about a young girl, Ihsan, who breaks traditional gender norms by playing football – a sport normally reserved for boys and men. The film follows her struggle, both in society and within her family, to break gender stereotypes.
Once the film is complete, they will tour around different communities in the south of Lebanon with their mobile cinema and facilitate film screenings and discussions. There will also be small funds dedicated to people attending the screens who wish to address the topics discussed through small-scale community-based projects.
Arts and culture can be a means to stimulate dialogue on sensitive issues that may be too taboo to directly discuss and with communities that may not normally engage with one another. The film is centred around an issue that crosses ethnic or religious lines, and that many young men and women can relate to. Therefore, by demonstrating that different communities face similar gendered struggles, it could not only lead to increased awareness and sensitivity on the issue but also increased social cohesion and understanding among people.
Watch the trailer of the movie Ihsan.