Between South Sudan and Kenya lies a very large area of disputed land, the Ilemi Triangle. 14,000 square kilometres of sparely inhabited terrain that both countries have competing claims on. Border disputes can easily turn into armed conflict.
It was good news that on 17 June 2019, the governments of South Sudan and Kenya agreed to resolve their dispute peacefully and engaged to demarcate their borders together.
For well over a decade, PAX has accompanied communities, churches and civil society organisation in the borderlands of South Sudan and Kenya to resolve local conflicts and develop a joint future. It is paramount that the statal dispute goes hand in hand with the creation of new perspectives for peaceful development for the people who live in and around the Ilemi Triangle. Their voices are to be heard, their rights and interests assured.
The PAX report ‘The Ilemi Triangle, Understanding a pastoralist border area’ offers an up-to-date account of the dynamics around the Ilemi Triangle, including a deep dive into the interests and perspectives of affected communities. It argues why and how their rights and interests are to be considered in order to resolve the Ilemi question conclusively as well as peacefully.
You can download the full report here.