Online event: How can international civil society support Ukraine?

DRA (Germany), Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine), Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland), AEC (France), PAX (The Netherlands), Drukarnia (Ukraine), Luhansk Human Rights Center "Alternativa" (Ukraine), Memorial Deutschland e.V. (Germany) would like to invite you to an online event on 22 February 2022 from 10.00 - 12.00 CET to receive security updates from civil society working in eastern Ukraine and together identify how the EU civil society could support Ukraine and amplify its voice in the European Union. 

DRA (Germany), Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine), Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland), AEC (France), PAX (The Netherlands), Drukarnia (Ukraine), Luhansk Human Rights Center “Alternativa” (Ukraine), Memorial Deutschland e.V. (Germany) would like to invite you to an online event on 22 February 2022 from 10.00 – 12.00 CET to receive security updates from civil society working in eastern Ukraine and together identify how the EU civil society could support Ukraine and amplify its voice in the European Union. 

According to different sources, there are about 140,000 Russian troops – from tanks to artillery and air power on the border – posing a real danger of a full-scale invasion into sovereign Ukraine any day now. The Russian government’s military buildup on the border with Ukraine bears high risks of war for the entire Europe. This aggression against Ukraine touches upon European values – beyond the principle of sovereignty it endangers democracy, human rights and international norms. After almost eight years and more than 13.000 casualties, have European leaders started to understand the need for joint effort in order to stop the aggressor and to demonstrate the EU’s backing for Ukraine to prevent another military invasion from Russia?

Amid this context, EU civil society could support Ukraine by advocating for more decisive joint response on a political level to prevent the outbreak of a massive war in Europe, and possible humanitarian disaster in case of military action. Any other answer on the EU side to aggressive politics of escalation would postulate the hollowing out of the principles of peaceful co-existence of independent European states.

More information
You can read more about the event here.
To join the event, please register here

Working languages: English and Russian. Simultaneous interpretation to English and Russian will be provided.

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