Ituri report

L’analyse de conflit et évaluation de besoin effectuée dans le cadre de l’opérationnalisation de la deuxième phase du STAREC/ISSSS

In August 2014 PAX was invited by the UN Stabilisation Support Unit for the Congolese government to conduct an evaluation study of local security needs in Ituri (except Mambasa). The main conclusion: the national police and the government army oftentimes increase rather than decrease the people’s feelings of insecurity. Moreover, justice system has become less accessible for the common man. Increasingly people rely on their own security structures, such as those for conflict mediation and early warning systems. This can become risky, however, especially when these structures carry ethnic characteristics. Based on the input of various communities PAX and RHA have recommended to enhance the accessibility of nearby police and judiciary, as well as the reinforcement of cohesive leadership of the customary chief.

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