
What happened in Vienna?

It still takes time to digest all that is said during the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear...

1. vienna-conf-logoIt still takes time to digest all that is said during the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons (HINW, 8-9 December) but it became clear that a lot was won. Here’s an overview of our thinking about the Vienna Conference:

Call Pope Francis: nuclear weapons to be banned “once and for all”
(Krista van Velzen)

PAX’ view on the outcomes of the Vienna Conference 
(Wilbert van der Zeijden)

ICAN calls for a ban treaty at the Vienna Conference on Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons
(Wilbert van der Zeijden)

Also read the various guest blogs on the No Nukes website:


Vienna conference brings us closer to a world without nuclear weapons
(Wilbert van der Zeijden)

Derde conferentie humanitaire gevolgen kenwapens Wenen 2014
Vienna Conference gives a voice to victims nuclear weapons (Dutch blog)
(Selma van Oostwaard)
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