PAX urges Dutch to vote for peace

Voters in the Netherlands will elect a new parliament, and therefore a new government, on 15 March. We here at PAX are not endorsing any particular political party, but we do stand behind a number of principles, particularly when it comes to Dutch foreign policy.

Image: Dutch people in traditional dress at a voting booth in Volendam, 27 May 1953. National Archive

Voters in the Netherlands will elect a new parliament, and therefore a new government, on 15 March. We here at PAX are not endorsing any particular political party, but we do stand behind a number of principles, particularly when it comes to Dutch foreign policy.

We urge Dutch voters to elect a parliament which will put human rights and human dignity at the forefront, both here in the Netherlands and abroad. Parliament should make sure the government pursues structural solutions to conflicts. Dutch people should vote for parties ready to work with other governments and organizations that also embody these principles.

What do you think?
PAX is not out on the campaign trail. But we are asking our supporters to share their opinions about issues important to us: refugees, peace missions, terrorism, working with dictators and nuclear weapons.

Every few days, we’re positing a provocative statement relating to one of these issues. One of us at PAX will write a reaction in the form of a blog (in Dutch), and we’re asking our readers to react on social media.

We will post the statements here in English, and you’re welcome to weigh in on FacebookTwitter or LinkedIn

Today’s statement:

The expected ban on nuclear weapons will make the world safer. Therefore the Netherlands should sign it.

Blog Having Nuclear Weapons

Earlier statements:

As long as the prospects for young people in North Africa and the Middle East remain bleak, terrorism will continue.

PAX’s work in the Middle East

The Dutch military should prioritize the protection of civilians in areas of conflict.

Find more on PAX’s work on Protection of Civilians.

The Dutch government working with dictator’s is disgraceful: it does not lead to the intended stability and democracy.

PAX’s response to the proposed EU aid package to Sudan.

Refugees have a right to basic help. Deals with countries such as Turkey result in the opposite.

PAX’s response to the refugees deal between Europe and Turkey.


PS — Join PAX at the Women’s March in Amsterdam — In the run-up to the Dutch parliamentary elections, PAX is helping to organize a march on Saturday, 11 March, starting at 12:30 at the Dam Square in Amsterdam. Sign up on Facebook and let your voice be heard in support of a just and compassionate Netherlands.

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