Nomination Hoogvlieger Award for online exhibition

The PAX online exhibition ‘Palestine Resilience’ is nominated as one of five nominees for the Hoogvlieger Award 2021, a Dutch prize for the best communication activity of a Dutch development organization. Since 2015, the prize is awarded yearly. On July 2 2021, the winners of this year will be announced. 

The PAX online exhibition ‘Palestine Resilience’ is nominated as one of five nominees for the Hoogvlieger Award 2021, a Dutch prize for the best communication activity of a Dutch development organization. Since 2015, the prize is awarded yearly. On July 2 2021, the winners of this year will be announced. 

The online exhibition ’Palestine Resilience’ is the visual output of a larger project in which PAX works with 11 Palestinian communities in Area C in the Westbank, which focusses on people’s own social and human capital. They increased their access to knowledge and information, and through the formation of  protection groups, identifying and addressing community needs and mobilizing available resources, they grew stronger and more resilient as communities. The project is carried out together with DanChurchAid, Church of Sweden, East Jerusalem YMCA and Local to Global. 

According to the jury report (in Dutch) there were ‘multiple reasons’ to nominate the online exhibition. It is a story presented as a ‘joint effort’ between PAX and local communities. It combines ‘clear and in-depth information with personal stories and images’. Central to the project was to inform the public on what is happening in Area C on the Westbank, using a ‘community map’ and related photos and stories to make difficult problems more accessible to a wider audience. It is ‘engaging and informative’ at the same time.  

We are delighted with the nomination, and shared it with the communities who made the online exhibition possible. We hope that this nomination makes it possible that the stories of the communities will be read and heard by many more people.  

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